
ImageColorThresholderApp gui makes possible to export progress to workspace and file to do furthur analysis on images.

Export as function

After changing interval sliders as per use case, select Export button. It exports selection to workspace as function named image_color_threshold. image_color_threshold takes image, background color(optional) as inputs, if background color omitted it takes black as background color, it returns mask and thresholded image.

Without background color

mask, timg1 = image_color_threshold(img)



With backgound color(magenta)

mask, timg2 = image_color_threshold(img, RGB(1, 0, 1))



in both cases mask image is same



Export code to file

Enter valid julia file path in Julia file path textbox then press enter, after select Export button. Export button exports selection to workspace and write as julia code in given file path. If julia file not exists at given location it creates automatically, if exists it overwrites file content.

Sample file path


Sample exported code

function image_color_threshold(img::Matrix{RGB{T}}, bg=RGB(0.0,0.0,0.0)) where {T}
    mask = map(img) do pix
        _cnd = (0.0 <= getproperty(pix, :r) <= 1.0) && (0.5607843137254902 <= getproperty(pix, :g) <= 1.0) && (0.0 <= getproperty(pix, :b) <= 1.0)
    new_img = deepcopy(img)
    new_img[.!mask] .= bg
    return (mask, new_img)

Export as image

As previous mentioned export as function then

using FileIO

mask, timg = image_color_threshold(img)

# Save thresholded image
save("thresholded_image.png", timg)

# Save mask as image
save("mask.png", Gray.(mask))

Export variables

JLD2 useful to export mask and thresholed image to JLD2 file which can be used in different julia sessions.

using JLD2

mask, timg = image_color_threshold(img, bg)

jldsave("export.jld2"; mask, timg)